E-safety in Year 3/4

Today in Year 3/4 we were thinking about e-safety, using technology responsibly and especially some ways to help ensure that we keep ourselves safe when using the internet.  We looked at some of the resources on the Kidsmart website and discussed two of the ‘Smart’ rules in particular

“A is for Accept”

It is important that we don’t accept messages, invitations, files or attachments from people we don’t know or from places that we don’t trust.  Otherwise, we run the risk of getting a computer virus, spam or malware which could even damage our computer or the information on it.  There is also the risk of seeing something upsetting or inappropriate.  If we aren’t sure whether we should ‘accept’ something online, we can always ask a trusted grown up what to do – and if we are in any doubt at all, we should never click or open it!

“S is for Safe”

We also need to be sure to keep out personal information safe.  The class had lots of great suggestions of what personal information should be kept private and not in the internet, including full names, phone numbers, email addresses, passwords and addresses.  Can you think of any more?

Technology “Goodies” and “Baddies”!

We also thought about the useful and positive aspects of using technology such as the internet and our list included:

  • communicating with our friends
  • researching and accessing huge amounts of information
  • learning lots
  • having plenty of fun!

We then designed our own 3d maze games using Purple Mash and shared them so that we could try exploring our miniature digital worlds – finding all the ‘goodies’ but watching out for those ‘baddies’!