Easter Homework – Year 3/4

In the summer term our topic is sport.
I would like you to make an information page about a famous sports person. Use headings and sub headings. Things you could include are:
-where and when they were born
-what their sport is
– how they became involved in their sport
– achievements
– How you practise in your sport
Remember to underline headings, also include pictures and captions.
This homework is due in on or before Thursday 12th April.

I would also like you to go on reading eggs. Continue on your own lesson. Go on twice over the Easter break. You can also continue with Mathletics. I have not set anything, but practise areas you know you find hard!

There are also your spellings to learn, ready for a test on the first week back Year 3 spellings are Ms. Cordingley’s phonics group and Year 4 spellings are Mrs McLaren’s phonics group.

Y.3. Summer 1 Spelling List

Y. 4.Summer1 Spelling List