Year 3&4 News

More news for Year 3 / 4

Please see the letter sent out today, giving information about ” Meet The Teacher” afternoon and Roald Dahl day, both on Tuesday 13th September. more-news-from-year-3-tues-13th-sept  

Reading Diary – Y.3/4

Your child’s Reading Diary needs to be with them at home and at school, so they can write in it wherever they are. Their reading book can be a book from home or school, if they start a book which they…

Topic Entry Day Year 3/4

archae7NEW DATE!!

To start off our pre-history topic we are going to come dressed as an archaeologist on Friday 16th September. We will do some archaeological activities and go to Forest schools.

Year 3/4 Autumn 2016

The topic for Year 3 and 4 next school year in the autumn term is pre-history, which is the Stone Age, Bronze age and Iron age. Your child should have brought home a letter today which suggests a few places…