
Harvest Service

 A huge thankyou to all the parents and members of the community who joined us at St. Matthew’s for Harvest, and to the Selebian Singers for singing so beautifully. Our food gifts were gratefully received by Carecent and Arclight –…

Secondary School Application Deadline

Please read the Guide for Parents before applying for a school place, it contains key information on school admissions for parents/carers.  You can also find the Guide to School Catchment Areas online. Applications can be made until 31st October. Late applications can be made after 31st…

Year 5/6 trip to Castle Museum

On Thursday, Oak Class went on our Autumn Term trip to The Castle Museum  to learn more about our topic of Crime and Punishment. 

We explored the whole museum, taking a visit to Kirkgate and doing a little Victorian Street shopping!

We took part in 2 workshops, learning more about Dick Turpin and what jails and prisons were like back in the 1700’s!

A great day had by all!

Miss Brett

Visitors to School

I was delighted to welcome a team of visitors to school yesterday. It consisted of Derek Sutherland (Head of Primary Effectiveness and Achievement for City of York), Tina Clarke (Head of Fishergate), together with Karen Brunyee (one of our Governors)…

Starting School

The reception children have settled into school brilliantly…you would never have guessed they are new to the school. Our buddy system is working really well. The most important part of any child starting school is to be happy and feel safe in their environment. Our children are certainly full of smiles. 

I love teaching reception. It amazes me how much children develop, not just as little people but academically. Reception are currently learning letter sounds but before you know it they will be reading words and developing a real love of books! Like the older members of their class they have been enjoying activities based on the story ‘Supertato’. What a brilliant painting of the Evil Pea!! 

Reception parents will receive their log in instructions for Tapestry next week. This works similarly to Seesaw. It is an invaluable insight into your child’s learning experiences at school. 

Mrs Walton.


Roald Dahl Day!

On Friday 13th September, we celebrated Roald Dahl Day! The children in Willow class had a go at creating and describing a new member of Matilda’s class. In the afternoon, the children sketched their character or one of their favourite Roald Dahl characters in true Quentin Blake style! They used watercolours to add a pop of colour.

Mrs Rotchell

An exciting first day back!

Welcome back, everyone. We have had very busy first day back, with lots going on. It was lovely to welcome our new starters, together with children in other year groups who have joined us too. Here are a few photos of what school looks like at the moment. All ready for us to learn! 

At our staff meeting yesterday, we decided that a different member of staff would update this newsfeed every week, so watch out for news from around school as the year progresses!

Mrs Christison

New Term

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow (Wednesday 4th) for the start of our new school year. We have been updating this website as part of our training today, so watch this space! Mrs Christison and all the staff

End of year PIZZA PARTY!

  We will be hosting our usual end of term celebrations on Friday 19th July from 6pm at School. This year we will be sending off our Year 6’s in style and welcoming our new families with a fantastic pizza…