Forest School

Dinosaur Discovery!



Our new topic is ‘Dinosaurs’! We went to Forest School and found an enormous egg and some very big bones. We have made a nest for the egg and added feathers to keep it warm.We don’t mind if the egg hatches, we just don’t want the dinosaur to be a meat eater!

We’ve even used the bones in our Maths lesson!

New forest

I had a great time with Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 at their Forest School lesson earlier this term.  The new site feels like a secret location and is really exciting. The children built some fantastic houses for their…

Topic Entry Day Year 3/4

archae7NEW DATE!!

To start off our pre-history topic we are going to come dressed as an archaeologist on Friday 16th September. We will do some archaeological activities and go to Forest schools.

Forest School 11/3/16

We had a great time at the Forest School today. We hunted for pictures of forest flowers and then gathered them together to make a pictogram.  We talked about which flowers were most and least popular.