Year 5&6 News

Year 6 SATS revision materials

I have put all the past homework sheets and maths booster sheets below for you to use as revision. I have also included an overview of different mental 8 topics so that you can create your own mental 8 and…

Year 5/6 Homework

Year 6 should be beginning to start their revision for SATS. If you require any additional materials in a particular area just let me know. Year 5 homework this week is an overview of our topic on Shape. This can…

Year 5/6 Homework 16/03/17

Practice your lines for our class assembly next week. This is instead of completing your reading diaries. You have been given a bird to research and then enter the data onto purple mash 2investigate. This needs to be done by…

Year 5/6 Paper Bag Challenge

Today we travelled to India and had a go at making a living by making paper bags. I was a very strict shopkeeper and only wanted the best. The children got 1 rupee for every 10 bags. We looked into how…

Year 5/6 Homework 08/03/17

Making judgements about books is easy! But defending our opinions, giving reasons why we like something, and persuading others that it is good takes skill. Last week we enjoyed World Book Day and I hope it got you thinking about…

Year 5/6 Homework 17/02/17

You have been given a RSPB Birdwatch sheet. You task over half term is to go out in your garden for an hour and try to identify the different types of birds you see. We shall be using the data when…