
Quiz Night Reminder!

A last minute reminder about the upcoming Quiz Night at the Village Hall on Saturday, 14th October – tomorrow!

Tickets are £10 each and can be bought from the school office. Bring your own drinks or there is a bar if you prefer to purchase.
This event is organised by the Village Hall Committee and supported by the fabulous Friends of Naburn PTA, with profits to be split between the Village Hall and school. So rustle up of a team of your smartest friends and get your tickets before the end of school today!

We hope to see you there.

CYC Admission Consultation for Admissions in 2025–2026

In line with the School Admissions Code 2021, City of York Council hold a coordinated admission consultation on behalf of schools within York and the School Admission Authorities. Where a school is part of a Multi Academy Trust, the Trust is the Admission Authority and not City of York Council.

This year’s Admissions Consultation, for admissions in the 2025-26 academic year, is being jointly held by admissions authorities in the City of York between 2nd October and 12th November 2023.  The consultation includes the admission policies and planned number of places available at each school in the year(s) of entry.

All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at during the consultation period. 

Parents and carers are invited to go to and complete the parents, carers and public survey online.

Any comments received regarding a Multi Academy Trust policy will be forwarded to the relevant Trust, who are their own admission authority, to consider within their own admission consultation. Please be aware that if there are no proposed changes an admission authority may not be holding a consultation.

Following the consultation, each admission authority will formally set (‘determine’) their admission arrangements for admission in 2025-2026 by 28th February 2024.  Determined policies will be on the City of York Council website by 15th March 2024 after which objections can be raised.

All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at

Determined policies for the 2023-24 and 2024 – 2025 can be found at School admission policies and reports – City of York Council

If you require a paper copy of any document, you can request this from or 01904 551554.

Presentation from the Phonics and Reading Meeting for Families 20/9/23

Thank you to everyone who attended the EYFS and Year 1 Reading Meeting on Wednesday 20th September. Thank you also to Mrs Burton for preparing such a comprehensive session that covered so many aspects of the Reading Curriculum for these year groups along with advice and approaches to how parents can best support their child’s reading at home.

Click here for a .pdf version of the presentation that was shared with families at this meeting – or scroll through the slideshow below.