Our Christian Ethos

Our Christian Vision:

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.

Genesis 9 v16

Every time we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember that God loves us and will always look after us

Daily acts of Collective Worship are important forums for sustaining and developing our Christian ethos and embedding our core values of Aspiration, Respect and Community.

Collective Acts of Worship take place on a daily basis. As a Church School, our acts of worship are Christian in nature, though special occasions and festivals of other cultures and religions are also recognised and valued. Parents are always welcome to join us for Thursday Celebration Worship every week, where we celebrate the successes of our week and present Teachers’ Awards. Together with the local community, all are also invited to church services at Harvest, Easter and Christingle which the children lead.

We say thanks to God at lunchtime and at home-time through prayers the children have written.

Rivers Partnership

Ministers from the Rivers Partnership, the group of Benefices which includes Naburn and Stillingfleet parishes, visit the school regularly to lead whole school Collective Worship linked to our Christian values. For more information about worship at our local church, St Matthew’s, click here: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/18911/service-and-events/events-all/ 

Diocese Of York

We are proud to be part of the Diocese of York and regularly attend training events and host visits from our Diocesan Advisor.  For more information about the work of the Diocese of York click here.

Open The Book

The team from ‘Open the Book’ lead worship fortnightly and follow the Bible Society’s rolling programme, giving our children a wonderful opportunity to engage with key Bible stories.

We also welcome regular visitors from YoYo, York Schools and Youth Trust, who lead class lessons, workshops, assemblies and prayer spaces.

Enrichment Offers

During the school week, we offer a good range of clubs and extra curricular activities run by our staff. Below is an example of how we enrich the lives of our children at Naburn.



After school


Chill and Chatter Yrs 1 – 6
Mrs Burton
12.45pm – 1.10pm

Seasonal Crafts R/KS1
Mrs Wragg/Mrs O’Leary
3.15pm – 4pm



Young Voices
Mrs Uttley
3.15pm – 4.15pm




Multi Skills Yrs 1-6
Total Sports – Playground
3.15pm – 4.15pm


Mindfulness Colouring
Mrs Rotchell
12.45pm – 1.10pm




Football Yrs 2 – 6
Total Sports_Playing Field or Village Hall
3.15pm – 4.15pm



Naburn Church of England Primary School is a small, tightly knit community, where adults and pupils work joyfully together inspired by the Christian values of compassion, trust and perseverance.SIAMS Report May 2017